Irmo Columbia

(803) 781-4092

Mt Pleasant

(843) 884-8444

North Charleston

(843) 606-2412

North Myrtle Beach

(843) 273-4205


(843) 879-9259

Surfside Beach

(843) 238-5900

Meditation and Spine Injuries

mental health

At Spine Pain Center in Myrtle Beach, North Charleston, Summerville, Mount Pleasant, and Surfside Beach, SC, we know how important your mental health is. A stressed mind usually leads to a more painful body, but there are practices like meditation that help to facilitate a calmer mind and a more peaceful body that your chiropractor can recommend.

Why Meditate?

Pain is caused by sensory, cognitive, and affective factors, including injury, overuse of muscles, and disease. Meditation, even practiced for a few minutes daily, can have a profoundly positive effect on your body’s physiology. One study on mindful meditation found that pain can be greatly reduced through meditation alone. Considering the wide use of opioids, and the possibility to become addicted, meditation is a much better remedy for pain, with no side effects, and no addictive mechanisms.

Meditation also lowers cortisol levels, which can prevent your immune system from triggering an inflammation-inducing cytokine storm. When you are initially injured, your body sends blood to the affected area to help heal you, but over time, this inflammation should lessen. With too much of the stress hormone cortisol present, the body cannot regulate your inflammatory response.

Mental Health Leads to Physical Health

When you care for your mental health, by default, your physical health is improved. Our chiropractors at Spine Pain Center in Myrtle Beach, North Charleston, Summerville, Mount Pleasant, and Surfside Beach, SC, know how important your mind-body connection is, and we encourage our patients to practice meditation to reduce their pain, but also to help improve their overall health. Call us today at one of our convenient locations to learn more ways we can reduce pain connected to spinal injuries:

Summerville: (843) 879-9259

Surfside Beach: (843) 238-5900

Mount Pleasant: (843) 884-8444

North Myrtle Beach: (843) 280-7000

North Charleston: (843) 606-2412