Irmo Columbia

(803) 781-4092

Mt Pleasant

(843) 884-8444

North Charleston

(843) 606-2412

North Myrtle Beach

(843) 273-4205


(843) 879-9259

Surfside Beach

(843) 238-5900

Functional Medicine

Your North Charleston, Mt Pleasant, Summerville, Surfside Beach, North Myrtle Beach, and Irmo, Columbia chiropractors Dr. Joseph Carew, Dr. Karen Carew, and Dr. Scott Quinn are all practitioners in holistic, functional medicine. Functional medicine is a method of personalized healing that is holistic in that it addresses choices in lifestyle and building up health, not just the links between disease and treatment. We would like to tell you a little more about what functional medicine is and why we think this approach is best for the long-term wellbeing of our patients in every aspect of their lives.

 Functional Medicine systematizes and coordinates the principles of healthy living

Functional Medicine Is Both An Old Idea And A New Idea.

Functional Medicine isn't entirely new. There have always been healers who insisted that their patients lead a moral life to lead a healthy life. But Functional Medicine systematizes and coordinates the principles of healthy living in ways that don't just help patients overcome disease; they help people lead healthy lives.

There are still many doctors who take a less than holistic view of how the body works and focus on disease. That's not an entirely bad thing. We have constantly new and better drugs and constantly improved surgical techniques. The problem is that healthy living is not just about improving your lab numbers so we can say there's a low probability you still have a disease. Healthy living is about holistic wellness. That's where functional medicine comes in.

How do chiropractors at Spine Pain Center operationalize the lofty goals of Functional Medicine?

    • We treat diseases as a disordered function of your body. We strive to bring your body back into alignment so your physiological systems work together. You already know that chiropractors are experts in spinal alignment. We have techniques that help your spine, nerves, bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles work together instead of against each other. But we also take a holistic view of the lifestyle choices and healing technologies that bring you orderly, reliable, and robust health.
    • Functional medicine is about connecting the dots. In other disciplines of healing, overworked doctors tend to treat the numbers rather than their patients. If a number goes up or a number goes down, they pronounce the patient well. We strive to make sense of the whole picture of your health and help you achieve holistic improvements.
    • Functional medicine recognizes that people aren't the data collected about them. We can make sense of your lab data, your genetic data, your personal history data, and a lot more. But we treat you. We don't treat your data.

Spine Pain Center chiropractors are here to help.

At the Spine-Pain Center, your North Charleston, Mt Pleasant, and Surfside Beach chiropractors have hundreds of drug-free, side-effect-free, non-surgical techniques to bring you back to wellness. Come in for an evaluation of how we can help you. Give us a call at Mt. Pleasant office (843) 884-8444, North Charleston office (843) 606-2412, Surfside Beach office (843) 238-5900, Summerville office (843) 879-9259, North Myrtle Beach office (843) 273-4205, or Irmo, Columbia office (803) 781-4092 for more information.