Irmo Columbia

(803) 781-4092

Mt Pleasant

(843) 884-8444

North Charleston

(843) 606-2412

North Myrtle Beach

(843) 273-4205


(843) 879-9259

Surfside Beach

(843) 238-5900

Foot Pain

Foot Pain Treatment with Our Chiropractor

Chiropractic treatments are primarily for back and neck pain. Although, there are chiropractic treatments for chronic foot pain.

Spine Pain Center is committed to addressing issues from head to foot. Learn more about our foot pain treatment below. We have several locations around the South Carolina area, such as Irmo, Columbia, North Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Surfside Beach, Summerville, and North Myrtle Beach.


Why Would Our Chiropractor Address Foot Pain?

It seems odd to many people that a chiropractor would also focus on feet, but the truth is that it’s all connected. Any issue in one area of the musculoskeletal system can impact other areas. For example, a problem in the feet can affect the spine, and pain in the spine can move to the feet. As a chiropractor, they focus on the entire musculoskeletal system.

Chiropractic Foot Pain Treatment for Chronic Foot Pain

Like every other chiropractic treatment plan, the first step is to assess the full skeletal system to determine the source of foot pain. This pain could be an issue in the back, hip, knees, ankles, or the nearly 30 bones and various soft tissues of the foot.

Once the source of pain is identified, a personalized treatment will be developed. This treatment could include one or more of the following methods.

  • Adjustments - While adjustments to the spine are the most well-known. Our chiropractor can also perform adjustments for the feet and ankles. Therefore, adjustments will be committed to address anything that needs to be aligned.
  • Therapeutic Massage and Exercises - Soft tissues through the legs and feet often become inflamed and tense, leading to chronic foot pain. Massage and targeted exercises can relieve tension, reduce inflammation, and stretch and strengthen the damaged area.
  • Custom Orthotics - Shoes are designed with very general foot aspects, so most people cannot find shoes with the proper support. Although, this can cause everything from tired, achy feet to misalignment and slipped discs. Custom orthotics are designed around the aspects of your foot, ensuring the comfort and support you need.

Find Chronic Foot Pain Relief with Our Chiropractor

Even though foot pain is common, it doesn't mean it’s normal. Let our team at Spine Pain Center help you find the best treatment method to find relief. You can schedule an appointment at Mt. Pleasant, SC (843) 884-8444, North Charleston, SC (843) 606-2412, Surfside Beach, SC (843) 238-5900, Summerville, SC (843) 879-9259, North Myrtle Beach, SC (843) 273-4205, or Irmo, Columbia, SC (803) 781-4092.